The UFT API Testing Manifesto - A step-by-step, hands-on testing guide for the masses
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The UFT API Testing Manifesto - A step-by-step, hands-on testing guide for the masses

Want to learn HP€s new UFT API functionality as fast as possible?

With the release of UFT API testing, I felt most people who were new to the product would be looking for a resource to help get them up to speed quickly. Also, I believe that with the industry-wide adoption of Agile€s development process, the need for test automation engineers to understand and be able to create API level test has become critical.

This book is what I wished I had when I first began using UFT API testing. I€m adopting a €œhands-on€ approach, and have tried to include practical examples and pithy explanations for all the concepts presented. This is not meant to be an exhaustive look at every aspect of UFT API but rather to serve as a quick-start workbook. Hopefully, this book will save you some time (and headaches) by painlessly getting you up to speed on UFT API testing.

I€ve been using HP Service Test since its initial 11.0 release. There was little documentation and next to zero information on the web to help me get started. I decided to change that by regularly sharing information, including tips and tricks for service test and other automation tools, on my blog,

  • AuthorJoe Colantonio
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • Edition2
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • LabelJoe Colantonio LLC
  • ManufacturerJoe Colantonio LLC
  • NumberOfPages423
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2013-12-05
  • PublisherJoe Colantonio LLC
  • ReleaseDate2013-12-05
  • StudioJoe Colantonio LLC
  • TitleThe UFT API Testing Manifesto - A step-by-step, hands-on testing guide for the masses