The Twilight Garden: Creating a Garden That Entrances by Day and Comes Alive at Night
Given that the sun only shines half the day, shouldn’t there be a guide for what happens, or could happen, in your garden after sunset? There are many reasons to consider a twilight garden. You may live in a warm climate where evenings are more comfortable than midday. You may work long hours, or enjoy eating dinner and entertaining outdoors. Or perhaps you’re attracted to the ethereal nature of a moonlit landscape. Whatever the reason, you need a guide to make the most of your outdoor surroundings.
           The Twilight Garden covers basic planting and design principles needed to establish a unique nocturnal garden. It includes chapters on night-scented and night-blooming plants, gentle mood lighting, water features, enclosures, and the use of color and sound to attract wildlife. Gardening expert Lia Leendertz shows that it is possible to create a nighttime paradise whether you have a small backyard terrace or a large plot of land. She includes case studies of formal gardens and detailed horticultural descriptions of night-friendly plant species and varieties, divided into Star Plants, Supporting Cast, and Backstage Beauties. Following her lead, you’ll be able to transform your own private space into a moonlit paradise.