The Truth About Sex: What the World Won't Tell You and God Wants You to Know
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The Truth About Sex: What the World Won't Tell You and God Wants You to Know

What€s the Big Deal About Sex?

Birds do it. Bees do it. And when you turn on the television, log on to the Internet, or watch a movie, you can€t help but notice that everyone else seems to be doing it too. Our culture has embraced the message that sex is just a basic bodily function, as irresistible and harmless as satisfying your hunger and thirst. But is it? Or have we bought into a lie that is rapidly corroding our souls and our society?  

When it comes to sexuality, you can€t ignore the Manufacturer€s directions and escape unharmed. That€s why everyone€“teen or adult, single or married€“needs to know The Truth About Sex. 

This compelling, interactive study provides an antidote to the world€s subtle yet insidiously dangerous lies. You€ll learn€¦
·why God created sex in the first place
·what happens when you don€t follow His design
·why virginity matters
·what consequences follow sex outside of marriage
·how to find healing if you€ve been harmed because you or someone else violated God€s instructions
With this knowledge comes the power to stand firm, resisting the pull of temptation. Whatever your past€“whether you€ve remained sexually pure or endured the pain of misusing God€s precious gift€“you€ll find your eyes opened and your life transformed as you discover for yourself The Truth About Sex.

Includes a companion study guide for personal use or group discussion.

  • TitleThe Truth About Sex: What the World Won't Tell You and God Wants You to Know
  • BrandWaterbrook
  • ManufacturerPRH Christian Publishing
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ItemPartNumber99100X
  • ColorWhite
  • ReleaseDate2005-02-15T00:00:01Z
  • UnitCount1
  • EANs9781400071005