The Time Management Toolkit: Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 Step by Step and Take Back Your Life: Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Step-By-Step/Take Back Your Life!
Learn how to take control of your inbox—and your time. Now you can get two popular books on Office Outlook 2007—filled with essential, easy-to-follow guidance for improving your time-management skills and productivity—in one value-packed toolkit.
Begin by building and practicing the skills you need with Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Step by Step. This tutorial teaches you how to send e-mail, schedule meetings, organize tasks, and manage your communications—one step at a time. You’ll work at your own pace through easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on practice files.
Take Back Your Life!: Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to Get Organized and Stay Organized takes you to the next level—by sharing proven time-management techniques to help restore your work-life balance. Learn how to take control of the unrelenting e-mail and conflicting commitments—and rebalance your home and work priorities—using Office Outlook 2007.
This toolkit also includes a quick reference poster for managing workflow from McGhee Productivity Solutions, and a companion CD with practice files, templates, and other resources.