The Sword of the Lord & The Rest of the Lord
This book “The Sword of the Lord & The Rest of the Lord†was birthed on the Day of Atonement in 2011. Kevin entered into his prayer room on that beautiful sunny autumn evening and positioned himself in prayer. As he waited upon the Lord an amazing series of visions began to unfold. The Lord immediately began to speak to Kevin in the authoritative voice of the Holy Spirit; saying, “A Storm is Comingâ€. As Kevin continued to wait upon the Lord, asking for more details about these words he was released into a trance like state. During this experience Kevin was taken up into the heavenly realms and began to see a tremendous storm full of ominous black clouds moving across the horizon. After some time Kevin witnessed the sky split open and saw the Lord Jesus Christ decent towards the earth upon a mighty white stallion. Jesus was accompanied by millions upon millions of angelic beings who were arrayed for battle. The Lord of Hosts and these millions of angels began to confront the darkness and the billowing storm below. This book is a vivid depiction of those events.
During this experience the Lord began to speak to Kevin about the importance of entering into the rest of the Lord. Jesus commissioned Kevin to tell His people about the importance of being diligent to entering into His rest at this crucial hour. He gave Kevin many insights on how we can enter into God’s rest and be protected and kept in perfect peace as this imminent storm approaches. Kevin was shown 5 levels of the rest of the Lord and writes about this experience and these levels of the rest of the Lord in this exciting book. Understanding more about the rest of the Lord and actually being diligent to enter into God’s rest can be life transforming!
Though tribulations and darkness may increase God’s people can rise above the storm as understand how to enter into the rest of the Lord. We pray that this book will help you to step into your full inheritance as an overcomer in Christ! The Sword of the Lord &Rest of the Lord is now available!