The Sultan's Virgin Bride
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The Sultan's Virgin Bride

A story of lust, loyalty and passionate resentment.

Innocent Eleanor made a marriage of convenience to the powerful Sheikh of Talina so that her exiled father could return to his beloved country, but she couldn't have predicted how much her husband would hate her, and her family!

Sultan Aki Katabi marries out of duty to his country, but his bride is the last person he would have chosen to tie himself to. She's demure, inexperienced, shy and completely unfamiliar with the ways of Talina and he resents the necessity of making her his.

Desiring his wife is not something he's prepared to do, but some things can't be controlled...

  • TitleThe Sultan's Virgin Bride
  • ManufacturerClare Connelly
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-03-02T20:34:06.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook