The Sorrows of Young Werther and Selected Writings
The Sorrows of Young Werther brings to life an idyllic German village where a youth on vacation meets and falls for lovely Charlotte. The tragedy unfolds in the letters Werther writes to his friend about Charlotte€s charms, even after he realizes his love will remain unrequited. €œReflections on Werther€ and €œGoethe in Sesenheim,€ collections of excerpts from the author€s own memoirs, reveal the genius who, as Nietzsche said, €œdisciplined himself into wholeness.€ Next is €œThe New Melusina,€Âthe delightful story of a pixie princess who assumes the form of a woman as she searches for a human mate. Finally, €œThe Fairy Tale€ is a sophisticated but strange story in which the laws of nature and physics do not apply€"mingled among its human characters is a cast of two sentient will-o€-the-wisps, a giant and his shadow, a talking green serpent, and four metal statues.
With an Introduction by Marcelle Clements
and a New Afterword