The Seed In Every Man
As a literal, natural seed grows from a seed to become a blade, then to the ear stage, after that to the full corn in the ear, so the seed of God within grows progressively within us until He who is within makes us full grown sons of God — master of all the opposites! Having been tested, tried, and proven in all that is contrary to God, and having fully overcome in it, we are at last truly LIKE HIM, holy as He is holy. Christ is within us as a seed! Within this Christ-Seed can be found all the divine attributes necessary to make us fully manifest sons of God — Christs like the original seed of the fullness of God in Christ. As each single cell of our body contains within it the genetic code that made us what we are physically, so the seed of God within our spirit has within it all the power of the life of God to transform us into the full image and likeness of our heavenly Father.