The Renewing of the Mind Project: Going to God for Help with Your Habits, Goals, and Emotions
Do you ever feel like you’ll never change? Maybe you’ve been struggling with the same sin for years. Or you’re stuck in the grip of a negative emotion. Or you’ve been trying to start a habit, but it’s not happening. You feel like you’ll never change.
But here’s the truth: God is powerful and He wants to help you. This book is all about going to God for help with transformation. You’ll learn how to:
Paul tells us in Romans 12:2 that we’re transformed by the renewing of the mind. In The Renewing of the Mind Project you’ll choose a project—something you’d really like to change—and apply Romans 12:2 to that project. Here are a few of the things you’ll be learning while you work on your project:
As you work with God on your project, you’ll not only gain victory in that area of your life, you’ll also grow closer to God and more dependent on Him. And what could be better than that?