The Problem Solving Memory Jogger (2nd Edition)
A problem exists when there is a gap between the current performance level of a process, product, or service, and the desired performance level. Problem solving, as it s covered in this book, is the systematic investigation of a process to identify the root cause of the gap, and taking corrective action to eliminate the gap and keep it from occurring in the future.
- Understand work as a process
- Identify important problems to work on
- Develop team skills
- Find the root cause
- Generate innovative solutions
Use these 7 step processes to solve organizational problems. Contains NEW examples in health care and information technology. Includes new material on Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Additional material on Scatter Diagram, A3 Charts, as well as a tool for verifying root causes.
As a bonus the appendix now holds the key to Kaizen Blitz! Excellent benefits to using these tools:
- Finding and solving problems in your organization's processes
- Using a systematic model to solve simple to complex problems
- How to easily and clearly implement the 7-Step problem-solving model
- Creating a storyboard
- Expert tips throughout the Jogger, clearly marked
- Advanced problem-solving concepts and techniques
Why is this problem-solving model better and different from other models?
Teams have often learned about the tools apart from the context of a problem-solving situation. The 7-Step Model presented in this book provides this context. The presentation of this model provides teams with a step-by-step approach to problem solving, includes sub-steps with recommended tools for doing each of the seven steps, and illustrates a case example that is introduced throughout each step and tool application.