The Power of Vision: Discover and Apply God's Vision for Your Life and Ministry
In The Power of Vision, George Barna invites church leaders to discover the power of God€s vision for ministry. Readers will learn: how God has shared His vision throughout history, how vision is different than mission, common practices and beliefs that inhibit true vision, practical steps toward practicing God€s unique vision for them and ways to share and promote congregational ownership of the vision. Barna€s word to all Christian leaders: Uncovering God€s vision for your ministry is not an option. As Barna clearly states, €œTo minister authentically and authoritatively, you must first clarify your vision, then embrace it and make it the focus of your life€s work and the heartbeat of your church.€ Vision is the insight God provides to instruct and direct our paths, a reflection of what God wants to accomplish through us in building His kingdom. With this clear picture, from Him, of where you are headed, your chances of a successful journey are increased a thousandfold.