The Police Quest Casebook
"Police Quest" is an interactive, animated adventure game series. This book is a police procedural based on the character Sonny Bonds as he is portrayed in the Police Quest series of computer games. The book includes a complete walk-through of the game, maps, a list of points and where and how they are scored, and descriptions of various important scenes. The author also provides targeted solutions to specific problems, a glossary of police terminology, and a list of characters. The book provides all the information to win the games: it leads the reader/player through the many pitfalls and procedures buried in the "Police Quest" series; it includes a screen by screen guide to the game, complete maps, a list of characters, a glossary of police terminology, and suggestions for further exploration into police work; and it is organized into novelizations of each of the three titles in the "Police Quest" series, followed by a guide to the screens, maps, list of characters, and glossary.