The Path: The Veritas Chronicles
Cassie Porter€s family pushed her to be an agent for Veritas, the agency responsible for policing witches who live side by side with "regulars". Veritas promised her a life off the Reservation with a way to support her father and Grandmother. The problem is, Cassie is on probation due to the volatility of her mixed magick, a byproduct of her mixed blood.
Julia Decartes, a matronly Vodou practitioner and Quan Long, an elemental witch from the headwaters of the Yangtze are entrusted with bringing along Cassie€s magickal ability while attempting to keep her from killing anyone including herself in the process.
Investigating a witch and cult leader in Tampa, Cassie meets Drew Carter and discovers the powerful abilities both he and his brother are hiding as well as the terrible plan the witch has set into motion.
Drew pairs up with Cassie when his brother goes missing. It€s through their joint effort that Cassie untangles her power and Drew finds the world where he really belongs.