The Norwegian Fairy Book
A collection of Folklore and Fairy Tales from Norway Per Gynt The Isle of Udröst The Three Lemons The Neighbor Underground The Secret Church The Comrade Aspenclog The Troll Wedding The Hat of the Huldres The Child of Mary Storm Magic The Four-shilling Piece The Magic Apples Self Did It The Master Girl Anent the Giant Who Did Not Have His Heart About Him The Three Princesses in Whiteland Trouble and Care Kari Woodencoat Ola Storbaekkjen The Cat Who Could Eat So Much East of the Sun and West of the Moon Murmur Goose-egg The Troll-Wife The King’s Hares Helge-Hal in the Blue Hill The Lord of the Hill and John Blessom The Young Fellow and the Devil Farther South Than South, and Farther North Than North, and in the Great Hill of Gold Lucky Andrew The Pastor and the Sexton The Skipper and Sir Urian The Youth Who Was to Serve Three Years Without Pay The Youth Who Wanted to Win the Daughter of the Mother in the Corner The Chronicle of the Pancake Soria-Moria Castle The Player on the Jew’s-harp