The Nelson Touch (Ark Royal)
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The Nelson Touch (Ark Royal)

Ark Royal€•the Royal Navy€s outdated space carrier€•has won a smashing victory against the enigmatic aliens, capturing one of their starships and returning to Earth. Now, Admiral Theodore Smith and his crew are assigned to command a fleet charged with making a deep-penetration raid into alien territory, a fleet made up of carriers from four different nations. But with a crewman who isn't what he seems, untested pilots and international friction€•and a new and dangerous alien plan€•can Ted and his crew survive their mission€¦or will they die, alone and unremarked, hundreds of light years from home?

  • TitleThe Nelson Touch (Ark Royal)
  • ManufacturerCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • EANs9781502885739