The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only: Calling, Not Calling, Roommates, Relationships, Friends, Finances, and Everything Else That Really Matters when ... Goes to College (Student Parenting Book)
If your child is starting life in college, there's a surprise around every corner...
But that doesn't mean you can't be prepared! The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only is a witty and wise guide to everything you need to know about the college experience. Harlan Cohen, America's most trusted college life expert, delivers the best advice, facts, stats, tips, and stories from parents, students, and experts across the country to ensure that you and your child will have an incredible andmeaningful college experience.
The Summer Before
Calling, Texting, and Facebooking
To A or Not to B
Paying the Bills
The First Few Months
Keeping Them Safe
HARLAN COHEN is the author of The Naked Roommate , the bestselling student guide to college life, and Dad's Pregnant Too. His advice column "Help Me, Harlan!" is distributed by King Features Syndicate. He is a speaker who has visited more than four hundred college campuses. Visit www.NakedRoommateForParents.comVisit Harlan at