The Miraculous Black Seed Oil: The Cure to All Diseases Except Death
In the arab culture Black Seed Oil is considered to be the cure to all diseases except death.
This book will provide you with over 40 cures to everyday ailments and also to the most fatal diseases known to man.
The properties of black seed oil are endless. It contains over 20- 30 vitamins, minerals and amino acids that the body requires to function on a day to day basis. The hectic life style we live today does not allow us to fulfill these vitamins and minerals for our body. However, black seed oil helps to nourish our body and replaces these vitamins to keep our body active, free from infections and diseases.
This book only contains the cures to the following ailments:
1. Mental Ailments and Nervous Debility
2. Weak Memory
3. Alopecia & Bald Spots
4. Cancer
5. Asthma
6. Sore Throat & Throat Pain
7. Indigestion
8. Eczema & Ringworm
9. Spleen Enlargement
10. Meningitis
11. Jaundice
12. Recurring Fever
13. Laziness & General Weakness
14. Hiccups
15. Epilepsy
16. Migraine
17. Diabetes
18. Teeth & Gums
19. Nausea & Vomiting
20. Beautiful Face & Fair Skin
21. Piles
22. Diarrhoea
23. Constipation
24. Flatulence
25. Cataract
and many more..