The M1 Garand: The Ultimate WWII Infantry Firepower Answer.
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The M1 Garand: The Ultimate WWII Infantry Firepower Answer.

>>>The M1 Garand was the groundbreaking weapon of WWII. It was the key to winning the war and a milestone in the development of durable semiautomatic weapons!<<<

We were the ones with the inventiveness to come up with the weapon, and the processes to mass produce it. The rest of the world at the time was still locked into the bolt action world.

It was innovative, cutting edge, and gave us such a great advantage it was as if we brought real guns, ammo, and firepower, to what was formerly a knife fight!

It had a eight round capacity. It incorporated stamped parts in greater amount, earlier than any other military weapon. It had a durable Parkerized finish. The M1 Garand is the grandfather to the select and full auto weapons that came after it.

>>> Learn about the excellent sights this weapon had. They were so good that they started putting them on the 1903-A3 Springfield bolt actions also being produced at the time.<<<

Learn what to look for when buying a M1 Garand. Learn about "Garand Thumb", instead of experiencing it!

>>> Learn how to field strip the gun, clean it, inspect the bolt, and more. Learn how smartly designed it was, and how it works.<<<

Finally learn how this versatile weapon can be enjoyed at the range, while still retaining it's value as a collector's piece.

>>> About the Author...<<<

Mike Francis customized his first military weapon way back in the sixties as a fourteen year old boy. He is an avid gun collector and marvels at the inventors and genius of the past. These days there is a product and hack for every gun owner's complaint or problem gun. The craft is much easier. Just about everyone can do minor gunsmith work with the new products and tools on the market today. Once you get into the study of old military semiautomatic weapons you will be fascinated in particular by the M1 Garand. It is a must have military collector's weapon!

>>>Scroll up and grab a copy TODAY... <<<

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  • TitleThe M1 Garand: The Ultimate WWII Infantry Firepower Answer.
  • ManufacturerMike Francis
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-06-18T02:14:52.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook