The Lamb and the Seven-Sealed Scroll (Understanding the Book of Revelation)
God’s Revelation for Today
What did John’s revelations mean to the seven churches who read his letter?
The Lamb and the Seven-Sealed Scroll is the second volume in Dr. Richard Booker’s powerful three-volume series. Continuing to examine the Book of Revelation within its original historical, literary, and biblical context, Dr. Booker turns his clear, prophetic explanation to the seven-sealed scroll, which contains the word of the Lord given to Daniel and is sealed until the time of the end. This seven-sealed scroll is God’s revelation of the events of the end times. Dr. Booker boldly challenges some traditional theology and provides biblical and modern-day support for his beliefs.
This verse-by-verse study teaches:
God will authorize who can loose the seals, open the scroll, and read His final prophetic word for humankind.
Open this book for an inside look at the end times!