The Hound of the Baskervilles
Quite possibly one of the most intriguing, popular and enjoyable Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Hound of the Baskervilles" is a unique murder mystery that combines the plot twists, sharp conversations and mysterious circumstances associated with many of the other stories in the series, with a touch of the supernatural and a bewildering perspective of 19th century aristocracy that has caused even the great detective himself to stumble in the dark for a while.
Starting out with a friendly, yet competitive exercise in deduction between Holmes and his trusted sidekick, Dr. Watson, the story quickly escalates with the visit of a Dr. James Mortimer who brings the case of Sir Charles Baskerville's unusual death to Holmes' attention. The case proves to be one of the strangest and most difficult that Holmes had to deal with, taking the reader on a veritable rollercoaster ride through numerous plot twists, as well as through the illustrious detective's varied theories on the murder's true circumstances.
Arthur Conan Doyle has proven time and time again that he can entrance and guide the reader through the most captivating and enigmatic events and adventures, and "The Hound of the Baskervilles" is no exception. While gradually immersing ourselves into the story, dilemmas and questions arise at every pace as to the characters' true personality and motive, and even as to whether or not a crime has truly been committed at all.
As previously hidden clues are discovered and the deductive skill of Sherlock Holmes comes into play, the story truly takes off into an action packed adventure that even the most pretentious reader will find difficult to stop following.