The Fertile Fields Drive-in
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The Fertile Fields Drive-in

Fertile Fields is a town like no other, one that welcomes all but never lets them leave. The truth behind the mystery of Fertile Fields is that most residents never would want to leave even if leaving was an option. They have it all, everything they can imagine, and even some things they can't.

The problem with a town like Fertile Fields is that one mind remains stronger than all others, a mind which solely is responsible for keeping the population growing, reaching out to those traveling back roads, side roads, the lost highways of America, and pulling them in, drawing them into a web of twisted manipulation where they soon are helpless to the smallest perverse curiosity they ever once had.

One man though, is about to enter Fertile Fields, a man who unknowingly has power to resist the influence which spreads across every cell of every being in the lost town. Always led by chance, by fate, Riley Sloane is a wanderer, a drifter whose felt a calling in this direction for some time now. Entering Fertile Fields, he may just find the one place in the world where only a wandering mind can survive, most others already imprisoned and controlled.

Meanwhile, Ethan and his girlfriend Dana are hurrying to catch up with their friends, three who already have entered the town of Fertile Fields and have quite the cryptic description of downtown to describe over the phone to him. Unfortunately the only dangers in Fertile Fields are not mysterious. Some are more basic like the pothole he hits talking on the phone, the one which sends Ethan and Dana swerving off with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere.

Fortunately there is an old drive-in theater just down the road and Ethan is sure he can use the phone there to call for help, his cell busted in the crash. Something is in the air, something Dana has felt as a slight throbbing headache and arriving at the Drive-in only furthers the confusion both are feeling.

Ethan and Dana find help at the Fertile Fields Drive-in but maybe it isn't the help they wanted, and maybe what they are helped with won't get them back on the road, but in fact will ensure they stay right where they are. Having always had a relationship based on games, on pushing each others buttons, what buttons will be pushed when Fertile Fields intervenes?

Will the real entertainment in Fertile Fields be on the big screen or behind the projector? Will Ethan and Dana discover new kinks or reinvent old ones? Find out as the epic journey into a town of pure unbridled fantasy, lust, and mystery continues. Find out at The Fertile Fields Drive-in.

  • TitleThe Fertile Fields Drive-in
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-02-03T00:18:43.256Z
  • FormatKindle eBook