The Expanded Family Life Cycle: Individual, Family, and Social Perspectives
The 4th edition of this Family Therapy text (publication date: 2011) which has become a classic in the 30 years of it's use, expands even further new and more comprehensive ways to think about human development and the life cycle, reflecting changes in society away from orientation toward the nuclear family, toward a more diverse and inclusive definition of family. This expanded view of the family includes the impact of issues at multiple levels of the human system: the individual, family households, the extended family, the community, the cultural group, and the larger society. The text features a ground-breaking integration of individual male and female development in systemic context; discussion of our nation's increasing racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity across the life cycle; life cycle perspectives on LGBT issues, alcohol, sexuality, migration, social class, violence in the family, and assessment of "home place" as fundamental to clinical work.