The Everlasting Covenant
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The Everlasting Covenant

Ellet Joseph Waggoner (1855 – 1916) was a leading Seventh-day Adventist preacher and writer.

He writes, "The Bible was written for no other purpose than to show the way of life. It contains history and biography, but these are parts of the Gospel Message. Not one line is written except to reveal Christ; whoever reads it for any other purpose than to find in it the way of salvation from sin, reads it in vain; studied in the light of Calvary, it is a delight, and things that would otherwise be obscure are made clear as the noonday.

The pages that follow are designed as an aid to all who would look at the precepts and promises of the Bible in their true setting. One line runs through the entire Bible, God’s everlasting covenant. Standing at the Cross, one can see the working of God’s eternal purpose, which He purposed “in Christ before the world began.” The history from Paradise lost till Paradise restored, is set forth as in a panorama."

This work contains the following chapters:

1. The Gospel Message
2. The Promise to Abraham
3. Building an Altar
4. Making a Covenant
5. The Flesh Against the Spirit
6. The Covenant Sealed
7. The Test of Faith
8. The Promise and the Oath
9. The Promise of Victory
10. A General View
11. Israel: A Prince of God
12. Israel in Egypt
13. The Time of the Promise
14. “The Reproach of Christ.”
15. Giving the Commission
16. Preaching the Gospel in Egypt
17. Saved by the Life
18. The Final Deliverance
19. The Song of Deliverance
20. Bread from Heaven
21. Eating the flesh of Christ
22. Water from the Rock— Living Water
23. The Real Presence
24. The Entering of the Law
26. The Law Not Against the Promise
26. Calvary Revealed at Sinai
27. Mount Sinai and Mount Zion
28. The Covenants of Promise
29. The Veil and the Shadow
30. Two Laws
31. The Sanctuary of God
32. Entering the Promised Land
33. Vain Glory and Defeat
34. Israel a Missionary People
35. The Promised Rest
36. “Another Day.”
37. Again in Captivity
38. Bondage Preferred to Freedom
39. The Time of the Promise at Hand
40. The Lost Tribes of Israel
41. One Fold and One Shepherd
42. The Everlasting Covenant Complete

  • TitleThe Everlasting Covenant
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-01-17T23:30:32.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook