The Enneagram (Metaphysical Matters Book 8)
An introduction to The Enneagram. The Enneagram is an ancient system, linking personality type to spirit. The word derives from the Greek enneas nine and gramma written. The Enneagram symbol can be traced back at least to the works of Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician (582-507 BC). In the 1920€s G I Gurdjieff a mystic and spiritual teacher who learnt about the Enneagram system from Sufis in Afghanistan brought it to Europe. It was an esoteric wisdom known only to spiritual teachers to determine practices for their pupils.Discover which of the nine different types you belong to, and then find out if you are in balance.
From the Author
I discovered an immense sense of peace for myself when I worked out which type I actually was. At one point I thought that I was a €˜1€ until I took the members of a workshop on the subject through a guided visualisation and instead of a €˜1€ I found that I was twirling round a €˜7€ in my hands! Since then I have been able to prevent myself from falling into neighbouring types when out of balance, so empowering.
About the Author
Elizabeth has a great love of books, reading and studying, she produces non-fiction personal growth e books with nineteen so far on offer here. Elizabeth has passionately studied whatever subject has interested her, some to the highest level, and along the way has amassed a huge amount of knowledge and understanding. Elizabeth is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine, Founder member of the BPS Special Group in Coaching Psychology & Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS). Her qualifications include:- Doctor, Master and Bachelor Of Metaphysical Sciences, BSc Honours Degree in Psychology, Post Graduate Certificate - The Challenge of the Social Sciences, Registered Trauma Specialist, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, Diploma in Nutritional Therapeutics, Diploma in Nutrition, Diploma in Iridology and Diploma in Herbal Medicine.
Elizabeth runs the Festival of Light four times a year in her home town of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England where she lives with her grown up sons and greyhounds. Each month she can be found in Glastonbury, Somerset, England, running workshops on many subjects and selling crystals, amulets, symbolic Tibetan silver, colour and healing jewellery.