The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume 2: From 1865, Concise
Like its corresponding full-size version, THE ENDURING VISION, CONCISE, is an engaging, elegantly written narrative that emphasizes political, social, and cultural history within a chronological framework. THE ENDURING VISION is known for sustained attention to cultural history, and for innovative coverage of the environment, and the West. The Sixth Edition of THE ENDURING VISION, CONCISE, features a new co-author, Andrew Rieser, new pedagogy, and a beautiful new design. Available in the following split options: THE ENDURING VISION, CONCISE Sixth Edition Complete (Chapters 1-32), ISBN: 0547222807; Volume A: To 1877 (Chapters 1-16), ISBN: 0547222815; Volume B: Since 1865 (Chapters 16-32), ISBN: 0547222785.