The Doll That Flew Away (Serbian Edition)
Zulaa is her best friend. Everyday after kindergarten she plays with Zulaa and her wonderful collection of dolls. Her favorite doll is named Bat and one day she brings Bat home with her and wants to keep it. But Zulaa is sad and misses Bat terribly. Will Bat be returned to Zulaa and will the importance of friendship be learned? Zula je njena najbolja drugarica. Svakoga dana posle vrtića igra se sa Zulom i njenim divnim lutkama. Omiljena joj je lutka po imenu Bat. Jednoga dana odnela je Bata kući. Zelela je da ga zadrYi za sebe. Ali, Zula je bila tako tuYna. Nedostajao joj je Bat. Da li će Bat biti vraćen Zuli? Da li će pravo prijateljstvo pobediti?