The Doctrine of Baptism
This comprehensive presentation is a synthesis of the many studies of Baptism which appeared in the mid-20th century and resulted from ecumenical dialog and denominational questions surrounding the interpretation and practice of Baptism, especially infant Baptism. The author states that God's activity is central to the development of a doctrine of Baptism, and in support of this thesis he considers the historical antecedents and the origin of Christian Baptism, as well as the New Testament statements regarding this sacrament. The book explores God's activity in Baptism, including the giving of new life; reception into the church; and the interaction of the Word, washing. and God. It also delves into the development of the Trinitarian formula. The author also addresses the administration and reception of Baptism, clarifies "heretical Baptism," and looks at infant Baptism, including its origin, rejection, and current practice.