The Divine Rapture: Moving on the transcendental conveyor belt
This book was written as a template for me to reprogram my unconscious mind with the assistance of the Divine Rapture. I had to reconfigure the way I processed this default reality and apply a right of way of thinking. I notice things around me began to change in an outwardly expression of how I managed my thoughts. But the wisdom was not always giving to me directly. I had to experience it in my day to day travels which lead me to a higher way of thinking. Poverty for intense, only applies if you programed yourself with the means of always lacking. If you don't realize that there is abundance of everything in this infinite universe than the continuance of poverty will remain in your unconscious way of thinking. That's why I named this book the Divine Rapture because there is a type of seventh heaven paradox that is implemented when you are moving on the transcendental conveyor belt. We are all have been given a portion this of vast universe to reconstruct to be apart of this wholesome consciousness that connects our totality of being. This is our divine right to claim this royalty through the facet of spiritual realization. By adopting a virtuous lifestyle we can transmute despair and suffering to bliss and enlightenment. We are only given a short period of time in the flesh to seek spiritual enlightenment. By time we realize that the worldly entanglements and worldly desires pushes us further away from truly knowing our divine self we are left with no time for pious redemption. I wasted to much time about not knowing now I want to help others get into the know. Every individual's adversities is uniquely tailored to the heart felt desires the leads them to cyclical results. My experience has presented in this book show how I was able to transcend lower thought processes to link with a more substantial reality. I hope that this book encourage alike minds to unveil their higher qualities to help them to find the answers to all questions about the human predicament.