The Death Giver: From the Shadow's Private Annals (The Shadow #23) (Jove PB V4282)
What was the meaning of the sudden, mysterious deaths that were striking ordinary citizens in New York's public places? No doubt they were the first manifestations of a diabolical scheme toward ill-gotten wealth and criminal power. But they were more than that. They were the work of a monstrous fiend who loved death for its own grisly sake--Thade, The Death Giver! In a thousand cunning ways, this fearsome genius dealt death--to those who would thwart his designs, to his blackmail victims, even to his own tools and henchmen. No man could come in contact with Thade and survive--until there appeared, gigantic automatics at the ready, a strange stealthy figure with a dark cloak and slouch hat, piercing luminous eyes, and an uncanny laugh that foretold impending triumph over evil...The Shadow!