The Complete Stick Figure Physics Tutorials
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The Complete Stick Figure Physics Tutorials

Hey! Are you a visual person? I'm a visual person, and I've been a physics tutor for ten years now, and this book is my way of trying to tutor as many people as possible as inexpensively as possible. I love explaining things through pictures.

This book is for those who are struggling with or intimidated by physics. It doesn't dumb things down, but it does very carefully present every little detail as clearly as possible. (At least, that's what I'm going for, if I were actually tutoring you, you could ask me questions and tell me when I've confused you. If that happens while reading, please email me! I would LOVE to answer your question and also that way I can fix the book for future readers.)

My goal in life is to teach physics to whomever wants to learn it for whatever purpose they want to learn it. Writing a science fiction novel? Have to take a physics class to get your EE degree but it's not really your thing? Want to impress a nerdy lady/gentleman you met last week? Want to be the person interviewed on the Veritasium video who gets the question right? I would like to assist you with that.

The main benefit of this book, as I see it, is that after each concept that is presented I ask practice questions, and then I give you the worked answers. Also, many of the chapters include awesome links to online resources (Youtube videos, sets of flashcards I made, Wired articles...) physics should be interactive, it should be interesting and relevant and it should change the way you look at the world.

For example, I was riding a bus through Costa Rica, and as we went up hills on this dirt road (which we were on for hours) the window would jiggle open slightly. As we went down hills the window would jiggle closed. I realized that I could probably calculate our elevation gain based on the window's movement, if I knew the coefficient of friction of the window. Or, the other day while biking I realized that I could calculate my speed based on how much mud was hitting me in the face. Physics also lets me know whether I should add my cream to my coffee before I take a shower or after, in order for it to stay as warm as possible (before.) I love physics.

Physics has this terrible reputation as being an impossibly hard subject. I don't know why this is, but I would like to change it. It doesn't have to be hard. It's just problem solving, which, once you learn how to do it, is incredibly valuable in many areas of life. In this book, I hope to make physics easy for you. Hopefully fun, too.

This volume contains all the problem-solving based Stick Figure Physics tutorials:

Electric Circuits
Basic Fluid Mechanics
Basic Rotational Dynamics
Rates of Change
Work, Energy, and Power

These tutorials cover high school physics, and are especially geared towards AP Physics.

  • TitleThe Complete Stick Figure Physics Tutorials
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-01-15T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook