The Centurion Chronicles Book Two The Belgae
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The Centurion Chronicles Book Two The Belgae

Julius Caesar & his army of 30,000 winter in the land of the Sequani. Centurion Publius Baculus recounts the batte of the Rhine River the previous year where Caesar rescued him from the Germans & makes his way back to the Roman camp where he recovers from his wounds. Centurion Baculus & Tribune Lutatius Vitius of the 5th Cohort go on a reconnaisance mission led by speculatores across the Rhine deep into Germany where they are ambushed by Germans & barely escape with their lives. Caesar settles into his winter camp before going south where he attends the assizes. The Centurion fights & kills a rebelous recruit he is training. Caesar returns to his army & prepares his legions for battle. Centurion Baculus & Tribune Livia are sent on a dangerous map making mission deep into enemy territory. They are attacked by a German patrol but survive. Caesar received valuable information from from local tribal leaders that other tribes are massing against the Romans. Caesar establihes a fortified camp on the Aisne River where a bridge separates the Romans from the enemy. The other tribes collectively known as the Belga attack Bibrax the fortified town of the Remi. The Centurion is sent to observe Belgian battle tactics. Two days later there is a huge battle at the Aisne River where the outnumbered Romans manage to prevail. Roman artillery batters & subdues Noviodunum. Caesar occupies Bratuspantium chief town of the Bellovaci & then occupies Samarobriva chief town of the Ambiani. The Romans battle the Nervii, Atrebates, Viromandui & Aduatuci at the Sambre River. The Nervii attack the vulnerable baggage train & threaten to encircle the Romans. The Atrebates charge the Roman line centered by the Centurion & the 10th Legion while the 8th Legion fights the Viromandui. The Nervii try & outfllank the 7th & 12th Legions. The 13th & 14th Legions who had been guarding the baggage train join the fight & the entire campaign hangs in the balance. Caesar rallies his troops who defeat the Belgae. Centurion Baculus is gravely wounded on the battle field & collapses. Caesar lays seige to the fortified town of the Aduatuci who sue for peace. Rebellous warriors try & escape but are killed. Enrages Caesar takes 53,000 hostages & sells them as slaves. Caesar receives word that Centurio Baculus is clinging to life.

  • TitleThe Centurion Chronicles Book Two The Belgae
  • ManufacturerJ.M. Garlock
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-11-19T16:48:05.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook