The Cave Girl and The Cave Man
When blue-blooded mama€s boy Waldo Emerson Smith-Jones is swept overboard during a south seas voyage for his lifelong ill health, he finds himself stranded on a jungle island. Waldo€s bookish education hasn€t prepared him to cope with such surroundings ... in short, he€s a coward €" he€s terrified when he encounters primitive, violent men, ape-like throwbacks in mankind's evolutionary history!
Edgar Rice Burroughs€ €œThe Cave Girl€ was serialized in The All-Story magazine in 1913; his sequel, €œThe Cave Man,€ followed in 1917. This edition contains both texts.
[Each RSVP public domain title has been reformatted and restructured for improved ease of reading and with the Amazon Kindle specifically in mind. Each book also contains an active Table of Contents and a recommended list of other RSVP titles.]