The Bible and Constitution Made America Great By Providing Freedom and Liberty to Citizens
The Foundation of America is the Bible and Constitution. The Bible is a life-guide. The Constitution is the ultimate law and a contract between citizens and government. For America to remain successful, she must return to her foundation. Free Will: God gave the humans free will. The US Constitution maximizes free will by limiting government. God's Old Testament Government was local focused, small and limited. The Creator: Creationism is as scientifically provable as Evolution. If God is Creator, His created beings should follow His wishes. There is abundant evidence of America's biblical Christian heritage. The Founders believed in God as Creator. What do the Bible and Constitution state on abortion, homosexuality, marriage, slavery, immigration, welfare and other issues? It is constitutional to teach the Bible in school. In fact, many early schools taught the Bible and its principles. The decision whether to do so rests with the local voters through their elected school board. America's Problem: A bloated inefficient wasteful federal government has assumed numerous responsibilities that are not within its constitutional jurisdiction. In the last century, judges have often distorted the Constitution with their rulings. Presidents appoint and Senators confirm every federal judge. Voters must hold these politicians accountable for the judges they place on the bench. Can America continue if +30% of the population is foreign born and ignorant of her founding principles and ideals? Solutions are presented for America's debt crisis, healthcare crisis, and Social Security crisis. American citizens will get the government they vote for. Will it be constitutional and freedom promoting in the future?