The Answers Book: Answers to the 12 Most-Asked Questions on Genes is and Creation/Evolution
The 12 most-asked questions discussed are:
- What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
- Were there really Ice Ages?
- Who was Cain's Wife?
- How did all the different races arise?
- Noah's Flood - What about all that water?
- What about Continental Drift?
- What about Carbon-14 Dating?
- Why did God take six days?
- How did "Bad Things" come about?
- What about the Gap Theory?
- Does distant starlight prove an old universe?
- How could animals get to places like Australia?
"Each of these questions is given a detailed, in-depth answer, and a brief summary to help you grasp the idea at a glance. Non-Christians will be challenged. Christians will be encouraged that the Word of God is believable and trustworthy."