The Adventist Ordination Crisis: Biblical Authority or Cultural Conformity?
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The Adventist Ordination Crisis: Biblical Authority or Cultural Conformity?

Fed by a media with few moral borders, our culture is now witnessing a tidal wave of gender role confusion: California calls for transgender bathrooms on campuses, activists clamor for federal laws supporting same-sex marriage, and TV audiences are transfi xed by programs celebrating polygamy €¦

It is against this backdrop of cultural distortions regarding sexuality that the Seventh-day Adventist Church must now address what could potentially be the greatest crisis of its 150-year history. Do we believe that role distinctions between men and women should be defi ned by an ever-changing culture around us €¦ or by the Word of God?

Answering this question is the vital purpose of The Adventist Ordination Crisis: Biblical Authority or Cultural Conformity?, the culmination of a careful two-year study of church leaders, including concerned pastors, professors, conference administrators, physicians, teachers, and lay leaders€"men and women alike€"from around the world who are dedicated to presenting biblical truth regarding this controversial topic.

This eye-opening study provides clear, calm, and concise answers for anyone considering this crucial question€"while offering practical steps that will help ensure both the survival and revival of the Adventist Church. Get the Bible answers you need to make an informed decision!

"I have carefully read €œThe Adventist Ordination Crisis €“ Biblical Authority or Cultural Conformity?€ and concur with its message, its tone of concern, and its faithfulness to the Biblical model and the counsel given in the writings of Ellen G White. The book is well written and covers the questions that many members of the local church have been asking.€ -- G Edward Reid

  • TitleThe Adventist Ordination Crisis: Biblical Authority or Cultural Conformity?
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-05-27T00:16:24.037Z
  • FormatKindle eBook