The A B C's of SITE SELECTION: How to Pick Winners and Avoid Losers
"The A B C€s of Site Selection is about helping you succeed. It provides you with the tools you need to make €œsmart€ location decisions€“the kind that will enable you to consistently pick €œhome run€ locations for your retail or restaurant business. Readers will especially benefit from learning about the importance of the Six Keys and why using a Site Selection Scorecard is highly recommended.
Site selection is neither an art nor a science. Rather, it is a combination of both. It is a process which involves doing homework. In the long run doing homework is the only way to justify making what will surely turn out to be a
major financial investment.
If you want to succeed it is absolutely imperative that you understand that site
selection is all about employing a systematic and disciplined approach€“one which is intended to minimize mistakes and maximize opportunities."