The 100k a Month Formula: For Kickass Women Entrepreneurs Ready to Suck It Up and Finally Play BIG! (The Rich Chicks Guide Book 1)
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The 100k a Month Formula: For Kickass Women Entrepreneurs Ready to Suck It Up and Finally Play BIG! (The Rich Chicks Guide Book 1)

Time to wake the fuck up sister:
If you picked up this book, there are two things I know for sure about you-
1. You want it all
2. You want it now (if not sooner)
The truth about YOU is you dream bigger than anybody around you, you're the one everybody already calls superwoman, you take on more in a week than 10 normal woman would in a year, and you seriously do NOT get how everybody else is so slow and unmotivated in their lives. What's wrong with them?! Surely they want more, surely they want BIGGER? You don't get it. But either way-
You are here to go ALL out, to spin the world on its heels and then dance on top all the while proclaiming your status as a best-selling author, internationally acclaimed speaker, thought leader and game-changer, and multi-million dollar PLUS business owner.
With the hair and wardrobe to match :)
Only thing is -
You're not.
You haven't.
And you don't QUITE have the income to match. (Or, frustratingly, the reach.)
But here's what else I know about you.
You're determined.
You do NOT let resistance or FEAR or stupid old EMOTIONS dictate your destiny.
You are in this for the long haul and the only time you STOP taking action on this journey will be when you stop LIVING.
Because to you? This FIGHT, this PUSH, this CONSTANT need for more?
That's living baby.
And you'll do whatever it takes -
For as long as it takes -
To get to where you want to go.
So here's what I want to tell you about me, and about this book -
I get it.
I feel your dreams.
I feel how big they are.
I KNOW you've got what it takes.
I believe in your destiny and your RIGHT to change the world and live completely on your terms.
And I can tell you from personal experience, after years of being that woman battling to create her business and life the way she'd always wanted it -
You really can have whatever you want.
Let's talk about how!


Kat Loterzo is a multiple best-selling Amazon author, a speaker and a multi-passionate 'can not focus on one thing' entrepreneur, as well as a slightly over the top enthusiast of all things caffeine and chocolate related!

Kat writes about pressing play and creating the business and life of your dreams,, and she sends out daily 'Messages of Asskickery' via her blog at Kat is currently living location free, in pretty much any sunny place with great wifi that she can find, with her husband and 2 small children.

Kat's dream is to create a REVOLUTION of women willing to step into true PURPOSE, passion and FLOW and live a life COMPLETELY on their terms as they also empower others to do the same. Ready to join the revolution ...

... then scroll back up now to download your copy of the 100k a Month Formula, and press play on creating your true dream business and LIFE, today!

  • TitleThe 100k a Month Formula: For Kickass Women Entrepreneurs Ready to Suck It Up and Finally Play BIG! (The Rich Chicks Guide Book 1)
  • ManufacturerKatrina Ruth
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-12-23T22:23:21.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook