Tantra for Gay Men
Western cultures have often thought of the ancient practice of tantra as a form of super-sex. However, as scholar and teacher Bruce Anderson makes clear in this first guide for gay men to the art of tantra, it is actually a rigorous practice that harnesses sexual energy as fuel for spiritual development. In eight empowering chapters, Anderson explores and explains the spiritual concepts that practitioners must fully integrate into their lives before experiencing the transformative effects of tantra.
How does Tantra facilitate the awakening and rise of Kundalini?
What is the relevance of Tantra today for men who love men?
What are the origins of Tantra?
What is the goal of Tantra?
Readers will be guided through the process of incorporating Tantric philosophy and practices into their sexual and spiritual through multiple excercises on:
Harnessing breath as a means to awakening development.
Achieving bliss through posture.
Strengthening abdominals, and erections.
Lovemaking techniques for achieving sacred unions.
Postponing and prolonging orgasms.
Bruce Anderson’s astute and unaffected approach to both the technical and spiritual elements of tantra will allow gay men to enhance the power of their lovemaking and the strength of their orgasms to reach a state of cosmic bliss.
Bruce Anderson has studied with Amazonian and Plains Indian shamans as well as Tibetan, East Indian, and Egyptian tantra teachers. He is a third-level cobra breath practitioner and teaches the class "Tantra for Men" at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center’s Village at Ed Gould Plaza.