Tales of Ramasun II
I had some stories left over after I published the original €œTales of Ramasun in February 2012 and I have written more since so I have decided to publish a second volume which is unimaginatively entitled €œTales of Ramasun II€Â. Hey, it€s good enough for Hollywood and all those €œRocky€ movies so why not? I had a lot of fun writing €œTales I€ and received many appreciative and encouraging emails from old Ramasun-ians and others. I€ve had even more fun writing the stories in €œTales II€ now that I know that there is some interest out there. There are some differences in €œTales II€Â, 15 stories instead of 9, so most are shorter. I€ve arranged them in rough chronological order this time and no two of them are closely related. These are more of a personal memoir and less fictional. The time period spans 1967 to 2012 as I have tried to tell the whole story of what Ramasun meant to me. For those of you who read €œTales I€ the setting will be familiar and some of the characters will be the same, though new ones keep wandering in, just as they did at the real Ramasun. Spooking and spying is still the game and those who do it are the same unmilitary, unconventional, smartasses doing battle with the €˜by the book€ regulars while they struggle to perform their strange and secretive mission. The spirit of M*A*S*H is still alive and well at Ramasun. The Thailand and Laos and Vietnam of the 1960s and 70s are the same too. The culture shock is the same. The Vietnam War still grinds on toward its then still uncertain end, and Laos is still the same shadow-puppet world of espionage and maddening complexity. For those of you who read the original €œTales of Ramasun€ €œTales II€ will be a trip back to familiar territory and for those who haven€t it will be an introduction to the wild and wacky world of Ramasun. Hope you all have a nice trip back to the land of spooks and spies.
I think that I am finally done with Tales of Ramasun now so I can get back to writing detective novels like "Mixed Foursome: The Zach Roper Mysteries" that feature a golf-loving detective and his sexy sidekick, the Thai Princess. Still there could be a "Ramasun III" if a few more stories float back from my subconscious or I am able to collect a few more from the old spooks and spies that I keep running across. Who knows? I'm sure there's still a treasure trove of Ramasun stories waiting to be told.