Tach-It KL100 Industrial Semi-Automatic Label Dispenser
KL100: For labels up to 4†wide, Tach-It’s KL 100 pressure sensitive label dispenser is ideal for all types of opaque rolled, fan-folded or printed labels. The KL 100 dispenser utilizes photo-sensor reliability so that there are no mechanical micro-switches or hair triggers to adjust or break. High speed motor, cycle counter, large roll capabilities, small compact table top design, industrial construction and a rewind system for the waste label liner are all advantages of this machine. Having the ability to dispense all types of die-cut and butt-cut labels, the KL100 requires no tools for label changeover or label size adjustments making it fast and easy, doesn’t need to have micro-switches re-adjusted during the dispensing of the roll as the curl of the label changes, requires no operator training or tools and has no adhesive build-up unlike other machines on the market today. Dimensions: Length—12â€, Width—11â€, Height—8â€, Weight—12 Lbs. Label Size: Minimum 3/8†Width x 5/8†Length—Maximum 4†Width x 14†Length Maximum Diameter of Label Roll—9†- Speed: 240 inches per minute—Power: 110 Volt