Tab (re-issue)
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Tab (re-issue)

Out of print in the U.S.! 1993 release from the retro Metal Rockers. Wyndorf and Co's first slice of prime fuzzadelic stoner sludge Space Metal, recorded at the same time as their debut full-length mantelpiece Spine Of God. Although little more than a series of extended space jams (like that ever stopped the first four Hawkwind albums from being good) smeared in layers of fuzz guitar and flanged vocal, the album nevertheless displays the roots of everything that would help the Magnet flower into one of the '90s and '00s premier Hard Rock acts. Includes liner notes and diatribes by Dave Wydorf himself. Steamhammer. 2006.

  • TitleTab (re-issue)
  • ManufacturerSTEAMHAMMER
  • BindingAudio CD
  • ProductGroupMusic
  • ReleaseDate2010-08-02T00:00:01Z
  • UnitCount1
  • FormatImport
  • UPCs693723996523
  • EANs0693723996523