T-Tapp Basic Plus and Step Away Set DVD
Great as a warm up or as a stand alone workout, Basic Workout Plus delivers inch loss as well as improved health/wellness. Basic Workout Plus is the first half of the Total Workout plus the exercise Hoe Downs, which is the 3-minute sugar blasting move that drops glucose 62-85 points. Basic Workout Plus proves that less is more with T-Tapp. Learn the basic T-Tapp techniques that make any workout more effective!
Basic Workout Plus is also shown in Chapter 4 of the book Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes.
The Basic Plus and Step Away Set includes:
* Instructional Workout #1: teaches how to do each exercise step by step with detailed instruction.
* 15 Minute Basic Workout Plus: includes all of the movements from Instructional Workout #1 done without instruction at the regular pace, plus the exercise Hoe Downs.
* Step Away the Inches - Walking Workout: a 25-minute, aerobic, body sculpting, indoor walking workout that tightens and tones the whole body without any jumping, kicking or equipment.
* Basic Plus Tempo - Level 2 DVD: This workout is the next level after the 15 Minute Basic Workout done with increased muscle activation techniques for better results. Basic Plus Tempo is an 18-minute routine will help to push your fitness level up a notch. Also includes a separate menu for you to choose the exercises individually. (Retail 9.95)
* Yes You Can With T-Tapp Seminar DVD*: a 90-minute seminar explaining how and why the T-Tapp program works, includes several exercises to target different areas of concern (arms, torso, back fat, stomach, thighs, knees, inner core balance) and how to apply T-Tapp techniques with daily activity.
* Measuring Tips
* How To Guidelines booklet
* God Made/Man Made Dietary Program brochure
* Additional Tips for Optimal Results brochure
* Unlimited Free Tech Support
Retail value over 10.00!