T-MOTOR 12x4 Carbon Fiber Props for Multi-Rotor Aircraft (1 pair)
Tiger Motors T-MOTOR 12x4 Carbon Fiber Props are high-performance, lightweight props specifically designed for use on multi-rotor aircraft such as quadcopters and hexacopters. This set includes a pair of props (one CW and one CCW), protective storage bags, and prop adaptors. Featuring sandwich construction with corkwood cores for low weight and an aerodynamic cross-section, T-MOTOR carbon fiber props provide more responsive, highly efficient thrust to power your aircraft. T-MOTOR CF props come 100% balanced out of the box, to eliminate excess vibration and save you hours of sanding. These 12x4 CF props are recommended for use with MN Navigator series motors with 4, 5, or 6-mm shaft diameters using the included prop adaptors. With short prop adaptors (sold separately) they can also be used on MT-series T-MOTORs.