TJie Art Hand Painted Mordern Oil Paintings Ethereal Pink Blooms 2-Piece Canvas Wall Art Set Floral painting in calming contemporary style,Artist-painted using acrylic on canvas,Gallery wrapped wooden frame for hanging,Color:pink/purple/gray/black
100% hand-painted abstract oil paintings wall decor on high quality canvas.The painting is stretched onto a wooden stretcher frame, easy to hang.Please be noticed that the size of each painting is clearly shown in the pages, measure your area before purchase so that you can have an appropriate conception on the comparison of the painting size and your area. Actual painting may be slightly different from the product image due to the different brand of monitors, Please refer to the colors shown in the photo. Modern canvas oil paintings art decor is a great idea for an original decoration of your home. The unique modern canvas wall art will enliven any room and redefine your living style.Oil paintings from this category are also a great idea for a gift for your relatives and friends.