There’s nothing more interesting than the predictions of how the world will someday end. Many people have contributed various theories as to how this will come about, but none of them are pointing out the obvious: Google is going to be leading the charge towards our demise.
In THE TRANSHUMAN AND OCCULT APOCALYPSE: HOW GOOGLE WILL “SOLVE THE PROBLEM†OF HUMANITY author, podcast host, website publisher, and conspiracy theorist Isaac Weishaupt provides this unique foresight in what he sees as what could be the tragic error in integrating too much technology into our daily lives.
Something as seemingly innocuous as using a smart phone or search engine could have dastardly consequences as shadowy organizations collect personal data for purposes unknown to us. Isaac provides his theories on what precisely these NSA and other data mining programs could be used for: the digital hell prepared for us by the occult...
Learn about pop culture symbolism of this bizarre topic through Katy Perry’s PRISM links and Lil Wayne’s admission to being an alien.
Find out why Lady Gaga, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Google’s Sergey Brin were all groomed in the same environment.
Discover the Google X secret society and Mark of the Beast symbolism that further justifies this peculiar theory.
See how Ray Kurzweil will be the critical master mind in building this immortal realm for the Illuminati, and how they will fulfill their occult goals right under the noses of the apathetic and unsuspecting public.
The Tower of Babel is being built right before our eyes, only most of the public is asleep in the wheelhouse and doesn’t see it. Read this mini e-book and become aware of what is the battle for billions of souls worldwide…
"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place." –Eric Schmidt, Google Executive, 2009