T POWER Ac Dc Adapter Charger for Dymo LabelManager 210D 220P 350 LM-160 LM-150 1738976 & Brother Pt-D200 Printer AD-24 AD-24ES AD-20 AD-30 AD-60Power Supply
Compatible with : Dymo Letra Tag Plus LT-100H LT-100T 1733013 40077 LT100H LT100T LT100 DYMO LM450, LM400, LM350, LM300, LM200, LM150, LM110, LM100, LP350, LP300, LP250, LP200, 1000, 1000 Plus, 2000, 3500, 4500, 5500, LT-100H, LT-100T, Letra Tag Plus LT-100H, and Letra Tag Plus LT-100T. / Dymo 1000 Plus 2000 3500 4500 5500 LM450, LM400, LM350, LM300, LM200, LM150, LM110, LM100, LP350, LP300 LP250 LP200, 1000 1000 Plus, 2000, 3500, 4500, 5500, LT-100H, LT-100T, Letra Tag Plus LT-100H Letra Tag
LabelManager LM 160 LM 500TS LM450 LM400 LM350 LM300 LM200 LM150 LM110 LM100 LP350 LP300 LP250 LP200 1000 1000 Plus 2000 3500 4500 5500 LT-100H LT-100T LM220P LM210D LM160 LM500TS
Dymo LabelMANAGER 100 150 200 300 350 400 450 40077 LM450 LM400 LM350 LM300 LM200 LM150 LM110 LM100 LP350 LP300 LP250 LP200 1000 1000 40077 Dymo LabelPOINT 300 Handheld Labeler DYMO Label Manager 210D Desktop Maker DYMO RhinoPro 5000 6000 Label Printer DYMO LabelManager 220P Label Maker Dymo 1000 Plus 2000 3500 4500 550 Dymo Letratag Label Maker Printer Dymo LabelManager 100 110 150 200 300 350 400 Dymo Letratag Plus Label Maker Printer DYMO LM210D LM-200 LM-150 1738976 Label Print
DYMO LabelManager LM-160 LM-500TS 500TS 1790417 ( touch ) 100 150 155 160 210D 220P 350 160, 210D, 220P, 350, 400, 450, 500, LM 160 LM 500TS LM450 LM400 LM350 LM300 LM200 LM150 LM110 LM100 LP350 LP300 LP250 LP200 1000 1000 Plus 2000 3500 4500 5500 LT-100H LT-100T LM220P LM210D LM160 LM500TS / PC II Electronic Labelmaker / Labeling System /