Switching Tunnel Diode AI301B (3I301B) Ga-As military USSR 10 pcs
AI301B (3I301B) electrical parameters Peak current : at T = +25 ° C. AI301B ................................ 4.6 ... 5.5 mA at T = -60 and +70 ° C: AI301B ................................... 3.9 ... 5.9 mA Ratio of the peak current to the current depression , Still ................................................ 8 Voltage peak maximum in .............................. 0.18 Voltage solution : AI301B ................................................. ....... 0.85 ... 1.15 V Total capacity at the minimum of the current-voltage characteristics for / = 1 ... 10 MHz , not more: AI301B ......................................... 25 pF Housing capacity , not more than 0.8 pF Inductance diode ........................ no more than 1.5 nH Limit operating data DC forward current: AI301B ......................................... 1.2 mA Ambient ..................... -60 ... +70 ° C.