This is the Escript version of the feature length screenplay Suppressor. The Suppressor, armed only with home made gadgets, a pieced together suit, and abilities discovered by unlocking his subconscious, fights to save a struggling city.
When the long arm of the law can reach no further they call on one person, the SUPPRESSOR. He is a Jason Statham sounding, super hero, bad ass in some Snake eyes like riot gear. This budget vigilante's identity is known by none but he is loved by many and loathed by evil . Unbeknownst to the Suppressor, his soon to be greatest enemy is growing stronger every day.
DICK, a mental patient with a burning hatred of the hero, has been organizing other gifted enemies in an attempted to bring down the hero permanently. After a failed attempt on the Suppressor's life by a hired fighter, Dick seeks out someone a bit more adept to taking down a hero.
THE CARVER is a brute of a man with a odd biker, viking, redneck look to him. He is a man with his own demon to deal with literally. The carver lost both of his eyes as the result of a bad decision and often uses other people's eyes to see for a bit. As long as you don't interrupt his quest to get his eyes back he won't mess with you. Dick quickly discovers that the Carver will not side with him to help take the Suppressor down.
Dick's anger for the hero grows daily. Dick's sessions with D.R. HUMPHRIES no longer seem to help his anger issues. The doctor tries a variety of techniques to help dick heal including weening him off of his prescription meds.
Dick seems to be on an emotional roller coaster as he struggles to find the hero in an attempt to come to closure with his issues. Dick begins to suspect his co-worker ROBEY of being the Suppressor out of costume. Dick harasses his co-worker more and more each day trying to provoke the hero's wrath. Much to his dismay, Robey stands down every time.
Meanwhile the police have put the Suppressor on the tracks of a murderous mad man who is on a killing spree in the city. He carves up his victims and always seems to take their eyes. The Suppressor comes face to face with the Carver once while investigating a crime scene and barely makes it out alive.
The Suppressor tracks the Carver through the normal channels until he traces him back to his lair. The Suppressor let's himself in, locates the entrance to the Carver's lair, and descends into its tunnel system in search of the Carver. Upon finding the Carver, the Suppressor catches yet another serious beating. After struggling with failing homemade defenses the Suppressor once again makes a narrow escape. The hero disappears into the maze of tunnels with the Carver close behind. The Carver taunts the hero as he tries to sniff him out. Finally the hero springs on the Carver and takes him down with a mafia style beating.
At yet another session with D.R. Humphries, Dick has a break down. We discover that Dick's anger towards the Suppressor is because the hero failed to save someone very close to Dick. Dick has a realization that leads towards possibly the worst decision of his life. Dick gathers up the nastiest bad asses he can find and decides to bring the Suppressor to them. They kidnap Robey's girlfriend and wait at an old warehouse for the hero to come for her.
Dick grows impatient. He barks some orders at his crew and then steps outside for a smoke. Outside, Dick runs into the Carver. The Carver knocks Dick out and heads inside the were house looking for the Hero who has just made his list. The Suppressor shows up and all hell breaks loose in what quickly becomes and all against all battle for survival.
Dick's hatred leads to a situation that threatens the hero, others, and himself. There is only one clear choice to stop a madman and save the city. The hero must make the ultimate sacrifice to stop Dick from causing more pain and suffering. The decision means the end of the Suppressor... as we know him.