Success! in Phlebotomy
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Success! in Phlebotomy

Part of Prentice Hall€s SUCCESS! Series, SUCCESS! in Phlebotomy, Seventh Edition offers a comprehensive approach to Phlebotomy review. With recent federal, state, and quality assessment requirements, continuing education in phlebotomy has never been more important. This is the ideal review book to prepare for national board certification exams or to keep current in this dynamic field. Simulating the exact format and organization of topics on the board examinations, it contains over 650 multiple-choice questions with explanations and complete references. Some key features to this new edition include:

  • The questions are even more comprehensive in phlebotomy technical, skills and interpersonal communication areas than the sixth edition.
  • The chapters include up-to-date exam questions with the latest blood collection equipment and accompanying figures to assist in learning effective, collection steps in the utility and safety of these pieces of equipment.
  • The chapters include questions that focus on patient and phlebotomy safety and medical error reduction.
  • The latest Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) phlebotomy standards are followed in the questions presented in each chapter.

The online components include a complete simulated practice exam, audio glossary, and links to additional online reference sources. The scratch off code to access these online materials is printed on the inside front cover.

  • TitleSuccess! in Phlebotomy
  • ManufacturerPearson
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ItemPartNumberblack & white illustrations, figures
  • UnitCount1
  • EANs9780135101001