Sublime Gifts 1pc Natural Healing Crystal Hematite Chip Gemstone 7 Inch Stretch Bracelet
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Sublime Gifts 1pc Natural Healing Crystal Hematite Chip Gemstone 7 Inch Stretch Bracelet

Promotion *(Buy 2 Get 1 Free) This sale includes 1 Natural Healing Crystal Hematite Chip Gemstone 7 inch stretch bracelet. Hematite is a very common mineral consisting of iron oxide. Its color ranges from steel gray to almost black. Hematite is harder than pure iron, but it is much more brittle. The name hematite is derived from the Greek word haimatites for blood. It is mined in Australia, Brazil (rainbow variety), England, Mexico, the United States and Canada. It is the state mineral of Alabama, USA where approximately 375 million tons were mined between l840 and 1975. Hematite (iron ore) is a very common mineral on Earth and it also occurs everywhere on the planet Mars where it is responsible for the planet's distinctive red color. It was first identified on Mars by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), aboard Mars Global Surveyor. In ancient times it was believed that large deposits of hematite formed on battlegrounds where soldiers were injured and lost blood from their battles. The ancient Egyptians placed hematite objects inside their tombs. Hematite is believed to be a healing and grounding stone, strengthening the body and lessening life's stresses. It is thought to reduce stress and enhance one's personal magnetism. It is also thought to increase optimism and courage and helpful in transforming negativity.

  • TitleSublime Gifts 1pc Natural Healing Crystal Hematite Chip Gemstone 7 Inch Stretch Bracelet
  • BrandSublime Gifts
  • ManufacturerSublime Gifts
  • BindingJewelry
  • ProductGroupJewelry
  • Size7 inch